TMCCC Reopening Announcement
Thanks be to God for His gracious protection over us from the Omicron variant! The English Ministry and Church Reopening Committee have the following announcements:
English Ministry resumed in-person worship service on March 20, 2022 onsite at our church.
Pre-registration (currently not required) to attend the service: [ (when required) ]
Brothers and sisters who are unable to attend in-person can continue to join us online via Google Meet.
Read more about our re-opening protocols:
Before the service
• As part of the church’s COVID-19 Safety Protocol, brothers and sisters will need to pre-register online each week before they can attend in-person Worship services. Registration is open every week between Wednesday 10 a.m. to Saturday 6 p.m. on Google Form. All requests will be screened according to Public Health guideline.
• If you have COVID-19 related symptoms that Sunday, or you have come in contact with any person(s) tested positive for COVID-19, or have traveled outside of Ontario/Canada in the 10 days before that Sunday, please self isolate at home and worship with us online. The church will not make any announcement relating to any positive cases.
• With physical distancing, the Sanctuary can accommodate a maximum of 100 people.
During the service
• English Worship Service will start at 9:00 a.m.
• There will not be any Children Program for now. Parents with children 12 and under are encouraged to stay home and worship with us online, and the children can join our online Children Sunday School classes on Sunday afternoons.
• Everyone must wear a mask before entering the church. There will be a hand sanitizing station before entering the Sanctuary. Please keep 2 meters apart at all times while waiting. We appreciate your patience. Once inside the Sanctuary, please take a designated seat and avoid moving about. Smile and wave to others; no hand shakes please.
• Offering bags will not be passed during the service. Please drop your offering in the Offering Box located by the baptismal pool when exiting. Offering envelopes are available at the entrance.
• Bring your own Bible and pen. All materials on the back of the pews have been removed.
• Bulletins will be in electronic format only.
After the service
• Those attending the English Service should leave the church building promptly after service to allow for the maximize restricted capacity for Mandarin Service. There will be no Refreshment time nor onsite Sunday School. Sunday School will continue online each Sunday.
We endeavor our best efforts to sanitize our facility but there is a risk of infection of COVID19 which user/visitor should caution and understand.resumed